About Us

LCC’s home base is in the Chilkat Valley, situated at the northern end of the Inside Passage, and in the gateway to the interior Yukon Territory.  LCC is working to elevate awareness of the unique inherent value of the Chilkat watershed, and to protect the integrity of this living landscape for the subsistence resources and the ecosystem services it provides.

LCC works to mitigate potential environmental impacts from proposed projects, build coalitions with other concerned groups, and increase community awareness of such impacts. As we conduct our work, we recognize that we work within the boundaries of unceded Tlingit Territory, and honor the thousands of years of good land stewardship by the Tlingit people.

The Palmer Project

The Palmer Project is a proposed sulfide metals mine on unceded Alaska Native Chilkat Territory, about 12 miles upstream of the tradition Chilkat Tlingit village of Klukwan, and about 35 miles upstream of the town of Haines, Alaska. The volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is located at the headwaters of the Chilkat River, in which five species of salmon spawn, and just upstream of the protected area known as the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, which hosts the world’s largest gathering of bald eagles.

The Lutak Dock

The Haines Borough has successfully secured funding for the controversial Lutak Dock replacement project.


Large scale clear-cuts and round-log export negatively impact fisheries, wildlife, recreation and tourism with little to no gain for our local economy. LCC. supports local logging and small-scale selective cutting and works to move logging practices away from clearcutting.

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Our Mission

Lynn Canal Conservation has a 50-year track record of grassroots environmental activism. Through volunteer effort and member support, LCC is committed to fostering responsible stewardship of the Chilkat Valley watersheds as well as the coastal areas of the upper Lynn Canal.

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